Field of Environmental Safety Management:
HPC priorities include managing and protecting the environment. Therefore, HPC
managed many environmental studies; in order to evaluate the current
environmental status, measure the environmental indicators in Hayan contract
block in the current work sites to be the starting point for a correct
environmental control, subject to the international standards, and follow up the
damages may be resulted from the production operations in future to be at the
environmental minimize allowed rate.
A plan was set to improve the national expertise via the optimum selection of
qualification and management, and a plan was set for training such national
cadre to have a good level of production, to be in consistence with the
technology development in oil and gas field, and make use of the existing
expatriates’ experiences (INA Company expatriates); where nationals’ experience
will be higher and then such foreign expatriates will be replaced with nationals
in future.
The Field of Information:
All Damascus offices are provided with a developed personal computers system for
exchanging information, noting that it is prepared for future to connect the
Company’s Head office with production sites.
Information Security: HPC pays a very important attention
to such matter; where it uses tapes for back up data and retries it, in addition
to anti virus programs, and fire wall system for stopping hackers entering the
Company’s data.
Organizational chart:
The organizational chart consists of two Divisions (Operation Division – Finance
& Administration Division). Each Division consists of five Departments, in
addition to Safety Department. |